

本網際網路課程購買暨服務契約(以下簡稱本契約),指英潤智匯有限公司(以下簡稱「Engsight-Lab」、「我們」、「我們的」,公司基本資料詳列如下)授權您於 engsight-lab.com 網域之網站或 Engsight-Lab 所有之移動裝置平台(以下合稱本平台),使用 Engsight-Lab 透過網際網路連線、或移動裝置平台離線進行之教學、評量或其他相關服務(以下簡稱「本服務」)。爰此,關於本服務之權利義務,雙方同意以本契約約定之。

  1. 您已審閱本契約全部條款內容超過 3 日以上。
  2. 您,即於本平台經下列程序與 Engsight-Lab 成功締約者(以下簡稱會員),個人資料及已購課程清單詳細皆載明於您的會員頁面。
  3. 英潤智匯有限公司( Engsight-Lab )負責人:王有慧
  4. 本服務內容包括下列各款:
    • Engsight-Lab提供本服務之網站:www.engsight-lab.com及所有之相關平台
    • Engsight-Lab提供本服務之教學內容:依會員購買課程內容而定
    • 課程起始日:您第一次開啟課程當日
    • 課程結束日:各課程效期最後一天


  1. Engsight-Lab授權您使用本服務之期間及權利依下列之約定:
    您於收受 Engsight-Lab提供使用本服務所需之登錄帳號使用。 您於有效期間內得不計次數、每次不計時間使用本服務。
  2. 當課程(或所購買包括但不限於圖片、文字、影像、聲音等內容,以下簡稱「內容」)處於可供使用狀態,您藉由行動裝置開始下載該內容,或開始瀏覽課程影片、內容,即視為課程(內容)已交付。此外,當您於依本契約合法購買本課程(內容)後,於未違反本契約或相關法規規定之前提下,Engsight-Lab 將持續提供本平台之服務。
  3. 您將於第一次開啟課程時同時起算有效日期。
  1. Engsight-Lab 應確保其就本契約所授權您使用之服務內容,為合法權利人。
  2. 未經 Engsight-Lab 事前之書面同意,嚴格禁止您將使用本服務之權利讓與他人,包括但不限於與他人共用您的會員帳號、分享串流、公開放映或轉售課程兌換券、折價券等。
  3. 您同意本課程及相關平台、教材、服務等均為Engsight-Lab為合法擁有。您同意相關之商標、專利等智財均為Engsight-Lab合法擁有,您不會非法登記、複製於任何實體或虛擬之通路上進行商業或非商業用途。
  4. 於課程中上傳資料或作業時,您如有下列情形之一者,由您自負一切法律責任, Engsight-Lab並得於發現下列情事時通知您立即終止本契約,您不得拒絕:
    • 您在本平台上散布恐嚇、毀謗、侵害他人隱私、色情或其他違反強制或禁止規定、公序良俗之文字、圖片或影像; 上傳任何違反版權之內容。
    • 於前項情形Engsight-Lab有權自行認定並立即停止傳輸(下架)任何前述內容並採取相應行動, 包括但不限於暫停您使用本服務之全部或部分、移除該內容或保存有關記錄等。
  5. 若您發現您的帳號或上傳資訊或版權被不當使用或侵害,請及時通知我們。
  1. 您對於使用本服務所產生之授權使用費,有給付之義務。
  2. 您對於您的會員帳號與個人密碼有妥善保管以避免第三人知悉之義務。
  3. 您在使用本服務時,有遵守本契約所約定之授權使用原則之義務。
  4. 您依本契約之約定所註冊之個人資料有錯誤或已變更者,應儘速通知我們請求更正。如因您怠於通知而致其權益受損者,應由您自行負責。
  5. 您應提供並持續保持所有建立該帳號之個人資料之真實性及完整性,所有的個人資料皆被視為註冊必備要素,如建立帳號時提供之個人資料有虛偽不實或不完整之情事,應視為違反本契約。
  6. 您應為其使會員帳號登入系統後所進行之一切活動、行為負責,包括但不限於衍生之相關費用。
  7. 您應出席一半之課程及完成所有練習,視為完成當門課程。
  1. 雙方同意本服務授權使用費之給付方式為註冊時一次全部繳納。
  2. 本服務授權使用費之金額如已購內容清單所記載。
  1. 您利用本平台從事其他不法或違反本契約約定事項之行為,其情節重大,且經 Engsight-Lab 通知您限期 3 日改正而屆期未改正或無法改正者, Engsight-Lab 得通知您立即終止本契約,您不得拒絕。
  2. 您不得重製、公開傳輸、轉售、公開播放、分享、以本平台以外之方式下載或使用本服務。
  3. 您於本同意書有效期間內或終止後,均不得有任何惡意損害 Engsight-Lab 商譽之行為。
  1. 您允許課程、網站或平台中出現Engsight-Lab營利或不營利之相關行銷、贊助或廣告資訊。
  2. Engsight-Lab得以優惠價格提供您自由決定是否加價購買商品、教學課程或服務。
  3. 您依前項優惠方式加價購買之教學課程或服務,契約終止時準用終止契約與退費之規定。
  1. 您同意本平台之課程及相關教材中之內容皆不具法律、醫療健康、及金融投資等任何效力,不可視為專業建議,雙方無任何課程外之衍生關係及責任。若您依課程內容主動做出任何後續決定,將自行承擔風險及一切責任。
  2. 本平台保留一切訂單接受、課程內容提供及更新之任何權利。

您同意不蓄意散布干擾本平台系統正常運作之電腦程式,或對於本平台進行包括但不限於修改、重製、對於任何功能、程式進行還原工程 (reverse engineering)、反向組譯(disassemble)或任何企圖取得原始碼或內容之行為等。

於前項情形下Engsight-Lab有權自行認定並立即停止傳輸(下架)任何前述內容並採取相應行動, 包括但不限於暫停您使用本服務之全部或部分、移除該內容或保存有關記錄等。




您擔保如 Engsight-Lab集團及其管理階層、董事、員工、代理人及承包商因

  1. 您所發布或遞交之內容
  2. 您使用本平台
  3. 您違反本契約及
  4. 您使用本平台時涉嫌違法或侵犯第三人之任何權利,




您未為反對之表示且繼續使用本服務者, Engsight-Lab 依契約變更後之內容繼續提供本服務。

若您不同意前述之變更,得於公告後十五日內向我們主張終止契約。 Engsight-Lab 應依終止契約與退費條約返還您本服務授權使用費金額。









本契約成立時, Engsight-Lab會將本契約及相關附件,提供您下載、列印儲存。

  1. 因本契約所生之一切爭議,包含法律訴訟及仲裁,雙方當事人同意以臺灣臺北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
  2. Engsight-Lab將於您購買課程後開立發票。惟您若於台灣以外地區購買課程,依中華民國稅法 Engsight-Lab 得免開發票。
  3. 您若為限制行為能力人者,本契約之訂定,應經您的法定代理人同意,本契約始生效力;您若為無行為能力人者,本契約應由您的法定代理人代理訂定。違反前項之約定者,除有民法第八十三條之情形者外,本契約不生效力。限制行為能力人於訂立本契約條款前,應主動告知其為限制行為能力人。
  4. 您明白 Engsight-Lab平台上之課程由各授課老師提供,本平台不對內容之合法性及適切性負責。Engsight-Lab盡力要求老師們所提供之教學內容或教材之正確性,經您通知知悉課程或教材內容可能有錯誤,我們將協助您與授課老師確認內容,並於通知或知悉之日起算 3 個工作日內完成與授課老師之初步確認。
  5. 因不可抗力事由致一方無法或遲延履行其於本契約之義務,其屬未能按時履約者,得於不可抗力事由消滅後繼續履行其義務,毋須負遲延責任;其屬無法再行履約者,得免除履約責任。
  1. Engsight-Lab 應提供具有可安全穩定之服務,並應確保其系統設備,無發生錯誤、畫面暫停、遲滯、中斷或不能進行連線之情形。
  2. Engsight-Lab 因可歸責於自己之事由,違反前項之約定者,應立即於 48 小時內更正或修復之。
  3. 您使用本服務時,因可歸責於 Engsight-Lab 所合作之第三人之事由,發生教學內容錯誤、網站系統畫面暫停、中斷、不能進行連線或其他服務品質瑕疵之情形,我們將立即更正或修復之。
  4. 我們不保證以下事項:
    • 本服務將符合您的特定要求。
    • 於 Engsight-Lab購買或取得之任何產品、服務、資訊或其它課程將符合您的期望,對此是否使用本服務應由您自行考慮且自負風險。
  5. 建議設備規格:


    1. 電腦
      Windows 10
      Mac OS 10.13
    2. 手機
      iOS 12
    1. Chrome 75
    2. Firefox 68
    1. 光纖網路 2M
    2. 行動網路 4G


THE AGREEMENT: This Course Purchase Agreement (hereinafter, “Agreement”) is made by and between Engsight-lab, hereinafter referred to as “Course Provider,” and you, further defined below, as a participant in the Course, also defined below.

All parts and sub-parts of this Agreement are specifically incorporated by reference here. This Agreement shall govern the use of all pages and screens in and on the Course (all collectively referred to as “Course”) and any services provided by or on this Course Provider through the Course (“Services”) and/or on the Course Provider’s website (“Website”).

Article 1 – DEFINITIONS:
  1. The parties referred to in this Agreement shall be defined as follows:
    • Course Provider, us, we: Course Provider, as the creator, operator, and publisher of the Course, is responsible for providing the Course publicly. Course Provider, us, we, our, ours and other first-person pronouns will refer to the Course Provider, as well as, if applicable, all employees and affiliates of the Course Provider.
    • You, the user, the participant: You, as the participant in the course and user of the Website, will be referred to throughout this Agreement with second-person pronouns such as you, your, yours, or as user or participant.
    • Parties: Collectively, the parties to this Agreement (Course Provider and You) will be referred to as Parties.
  2. The Course details are as follows:
    • Course Name: individual package specified on our website
    • Course URL: www.engsight-lab.com
    • Course Start Date: The Date you start the online course
    • Course End Date: The Date designated for you to complete the course

By purchasing and participating in the Course, you warrant that you have read and reviewed this Agreement and that you agree to be bound by it. If you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, please cease your participation in the Course immediately. If you do so after purchase, you will not be entitled to any refund. Course Provider only agrees to provide the Course to you if you assent to this Agreement.

  1. We may provide you with certain information as a result of your accessing of the Course through the Website. Such information may include, but is not limited to, documentation, data, or information developed by us and other materials which may assist in your participation in the Course (“Materials”). Subject to this Agreement, we grant you a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable and revocable license to use the Materials solely in connection with your participation in the Course and your use of the Website. The Materials may not be used for any other purpose, and this license terminates upon your completion of the Course, your cessation of use of the Course or the Website, or at the termination of this Agreement.
  2. Courses shall be recognized as “start and delivered” status once you begin to view or download any materials.
  3. Course Start Date refers to the date you begin the online course.
Article 4 – COURSE TERMS:
  1. After purchasing the Course, you may begin the course. Course Start Date refers to the time you begin first session. You must complete the Course by the specified Course End Date. Whether or not the Course has been completed by the specified Course End Date, it will expire the following amount of time after purchase as specified in individual deal.
  2. The Course and any of its accompanying Materials may not be shared with any party. If we suspect that the Course or Materials are being shared and/or that you have shared your log-in information with any party, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the Course, in our sole and exclusive discretion.
  3. You agree that the Materials, the Course, the Website, and any other Services provided by the Course Provider are the property of the Course Provider, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property (“Company IP”). You agree that the Company owns all right, title and interest in and to the Company IP and that you will not use the Company IP for any unlawful or infringing purpose. You agree not to reproduce or distribute the Company IP in any way, including electronically or via registration of any new trademarks, trade names, service marks or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), without express written permission from the Company.
  4. Through your participation in the Course and your use of the Website, you may be permitted to post materials to the Course pages and other parts of the Website (“User Contributions”). You hereby grant Course Provider a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to copy, display, use, broadcast, transmit and make derivative works of User Contributions you post.
    • You agree to comply with the “Acceptable Use” provision of this Agreement for all User Contributions that you post, including and especially to not violate the intellectual property rights of any third party through your User Contributions.
    • You agree not to post any information that may harm or damage the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, content, or any other transactions made in connection with any third-party websites.
  5. If you feel that any of your intellectual property rights have been infringed or otherwise violated by the posting of information or media by another of our users, please contact us and let us know.
  1. As a participant in the Course, you will be asked to register with us and pay for the relevant fees.
  2. When you do so, you will choose a user identifier, which may be your email address or another term, as well as a password. You may also provide personal information, including, but not limited to, your name. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of this information. This identifying information will enable you to participate in the Course. You must not share such identifying information with any third party, and if you discover that your identifying information has been compromised, you agree to notify us immediately in writing. Email notification will suffice. You are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of your identifying information as well as keeping us apprised of any changes to your identifying information.
  3. Through your participation in the Course and your use of the Website, you agree that you will comply with the terms and principles specified in this agreement.
  4. Any update or correction for your personal information shall be notified to the Website. Should any right is damaged due to late notice, you shall be liable for following consequences.
  5. The billing information you provide us, including credit card, billing address and other payment information, is subject to the same confidentiality and accuracy requirements as the rest of your identifying information. Providing false or inaccurate information, or using the Course or the Website to further fraud or unlawful activity grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement.
  6. You are liable for any activities and behaviors after logging in the system when using your account, including but not limited to relevant fees.
  7. As a participant in the Course, you shall attend at least half of the Course and complete all exercises
Article 6 – PAYMENT & FEES:
  1. The entirety of the Fees shall be due and payable upon your registration in the Course. No payment plans or installment plans are available.
  2. The total Fees for the Course are specified on the Website.

Please note we are not able to issue invoice for overseas clients for the time being, according to local legal constraints.


You agree to have reviewed the agreement for three days, and not to use the Course or the Website for any unlawful purpose or any purpose prohibited under this clause. You agree not to use the Course or the Website in any way that could damage the Course, Website, Services, or general business of the Course Provider. You agree that we reserve all rights to terminate the agreement after giving notice in three days and without any improvement from the breach of conduct. You further agree not to use the Course or the Website:

  1. To harass, abuse, or threaten others or otherwise violate any person’s legal rights;
  2. To violate any intellectual property rights of the Course Provider or any third party;
  3. To upload or otherwise disseminate any computer viruses or other software that may damage the property of another;
  4. To perpetrate any fraud;
  5. To engage in or create any unlawful gambling, sweepstakes, or pyramid scheme;
  6. To publish or distribute any obscene or defamatory material;
  7. To publish or distribute any material that incites violence, hate, or discrimination towards any group;
  8. To unlawfully gather information about others.
  1. We engage in affiliate marketing whereby we may receive a commission on or percentage of the sale of goods or services on or through the Course and/or Website. We may also accept advertising and sponsorships from commercial businesses or receive other forms of advertising compensation. This disclosure is intended to comply with local rules on marketing and advertising, as well as any other legal requirements which may apply.
  2. Website is allowed to provide products, courses or service with promotion, for you to choose.
  3. The above-mentioned purchase shall comply with this Agreement, includes but not limited to termination and refund policies.
Article 9 – NO LIABILITY:
  1. The Course and Website are provided for informational purposes only. You acknowledge and agree that any information posted in the Course, in the Materials, or on the Website is not intended to be legal advice, medical advice, or financial advice, and no fiduciary relationship has been created between you and us. You further agree that your participation in the Course is at own risk. We do not assume responsibility or liability for any advice or other information given in the Course, in the Materials, or on the Website.
  2. You agree we reserve all rights for order taking, course providing and updating.

You agree not to undertake any of the following actions: Reverse engineer, or attempt to reverse engineer or disassemble any code or software from or on the Course or Website;

Violate the security of the Course or Website through any unauthorized access, circumvention of encryption or other security tools, data mining or interference to any host, user or network.

You agree we reserve all rights to terminate any information as listed above and taking following actions, includes but not limited to suspend your right to use our service, remove part or all relevant content or storage relevant records.

Article 11 – DATA LOSS:

You agree that your participation in the Course or use of the Website is at your own risk.


You agree to defend and indemnify the Course Provider and any of our affiliates (if applicable) and hold us harmless against any and all legal claims and demands, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which may arise from or relate to

  1. your post or uploaded content
  2. your participation in the Course
  3. your use or misuse of the Website
  4. your breach of this Agreement, or your conduct or actions; or any infringement of the right of third parties

You agree that we shall be able to select our own legal counsel and may participate in our own defense, if we wish.


We may, from time to time and at any time without notice to you, modify this Agreement. However, we will post the notice on Website and notice you through email within 15 days. You agree that we have the right to modify this Agreement or revise anything contained herein. You further agree that all modifications to this Agreement are in full force and effect immediately upon posting on the Website and that modifications or variations will replace any prior version of this Agreement, unless prior versions are specifically referred to or incorporated into the latest modification or variation of this Agreement.

We may refund to you, according to this Agreement should you not agree the updated modification and propose to us within 15 days after the notice.

To the extent any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held ineffective or invalid by any court of law, you agree that the prior, effective version of this Agreement shall be considered enforceable and valid to the fullest extent.


Please refer to our refund policy


We are not liable for any damages that may occur to you as a result of your participation in the Course or your use of the Website, to the fullest extent permitted by law, as noted above. The maximum liability of Course Provider arising from or relating to this Agreement is limited to half the amount you paid to us in the last six months. This section applies to any and all claims by you, including, but not limited to, lost profits or revenues, consequential or punitive damages, negligence, strict liability, fraud, or torts of any kind.


Appendix or sub-parts of this agreement shall be deemed as part of it.

If any confliction, main clauses shall overpower appendix or sub-parts.

Website will store relevant appendix for download, print or store once the agreement made.

  1. LANGUAGE: All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language.
  2. JURISDICTION, VENUE & CHOICE OF LAW: Through your participation in the Course and your use of the Website, you agree that the laws of Taiwan (R.O.C.) shall govern any matter or dispute relating to or arising out of this Agreement, as well as any dispute of any kind that may arise between you and us, with the exception of its conflict of law provisions. In case any litigation specifically permitted under this Agreement is initiated, the Parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the court: Taiwan Shihlin District Court. The Parties agree that this choice of law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather mandatory in nature.
  3. INVOICE: Website only provide invoices for purchase in Taiwan, not for overseas deals.
  4. ARBITRATION: In case of a dispute between the Parties relating to or arising out of this Agreement, the Parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute personally and in good faith. If these personal resolution attempts fail, the Parties shall then submit the dispute to binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in the following county: Taiwan. The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator, and such arbitrator shall have no authority to add Parties, vary the provisions of this Agreement, award punitive damages, or certify a class. The arbitrator shall be bound by applicable and governing the law of the following country: Taiwan. Each Party shall pay their own costs and fees. Claims necessitating arbitration under this section include, but are not limited to: contract claims, tort claims, and claims based on local laws, ordinances, statutes or regulations. Intellectual property claims by us will not be subject to arbitration and may, as an exception to this sub-part, be litigated. The Parties, in agreement with this sub-part of this Agreement, waive any rights they may have to a jury trial in regard to arbitral claims.
  5. SEVERABILITY: If any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of law or competent arbitrator, the remaining parts and sub-parts will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such condition, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force.
  6. NO WAIVER: In the event that we fail to enforce any provision of this Agreement, this shall not constitute a waiver of any future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision. Waiver of any part or sub-part of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other part or sub-part.
  7. FORCE MAJEURE: We are not liable for any failure to perform due to causes beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil authorities, acts of military authorities, riots, embargoes, acts of nature and natural disasters, and other acts which may be due to unforeseen circumstances.
  1. Website shall provide safe and stable service, and to assure the system function smoothly without errors, pending, interruption of failure for connection.
  2. As for the above-mentioned incidents, we shall have it fixed within 48 hours if it is due to a fault on Website.
  3. We shall have interrupted connection fixed if it is due to a fault of any third party during your use of Services.
  4. We don’t guarantee:
    • Our service will meet your specific expectation
    • Expectation of any products, services, courses, or information are may not be fully satisfactory, and thus the purchase shall be done after you have considered the risk.
  5. Suggested Spec:

    We suggest the device you take shall meet the following specs to ensure a good learning experience and service quality.

    1. Computer
      Windows 10
      Mac OS 10.13
    2. Mobile
      iOS 12
    1. Chrome 75
    2. Firefox 68
    1. Fiber-optic communication 2M
    2. Network – 4G
Engsight-Lab is founded by professionals from Silicon Valley and Taiwan. We’re relentlessly pursuing our vision of a world where every learner can be enriched by the power of languages and insights, to achieve a life with creativity and cheerfulness, and to empower more talents to thrive in the changing face and force of globalization.
Contact Us
Level 37, TAIPEI 101 Tower, No. 7, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan